The cmi5 specification includes the masteryScore in the State API? Why? What’s it there for? In this article I will attempt to end the confusion around the cmi5 masteryScore. (more…)
The cmi5 specification calls for a “returnURL” to be placed in the State API document. What is the cmi5 returnURL? How is it used? In this article I will attempt to end the confusion. (more…)
The cmi5 specification calls for a “publisher ID” to be placed in the context extensions of an xAPI statement. But what is the cmi5 publisher ID? How does it differ from the activity ID? (more…)
This is the second of a two part article describing the different components of an xAPI statement. In part one we covered the Actor, Verb and Object components of an xAPI statement. Now we’ll continue by looking the Result and…
By now you’ve probably learned that an xAPI statement stores better, more usable data than SCORM. When some people see the flexibility of xAPI, their first instinct is “store everything”. But that may not be the best idea if you…
Benefits of cmi5 By now you’ve probably heard of cmi5, the successor to SCORM? If not, you might want to check out “Experience API, cmi5 and Future SCORM” in Learning Solutions Magazine. So now you know that cmi5 is a…
Blocked from Social Learning Opportunities? I recently needed to show a customer how to perform a multi-step task in our Learning Management System. So I quickly threw together a YouTube video and sent a link to the customer. Moments later…
Have you ever wanted to point your students to a quick YouTube video? If you post “How To” videos on YouTube, how can your students search for the video they need? For answers to these questions…read on. (more…)
Resources were added to VTA some time ago to support competency improvement. As part of a development plan, a competency assessor can assign resources to a student. In version 8.0 of Learner, we have added a Resource Search feature to…
cmi5 Verbs: An In-Depth Look There are nine xAPI verbs used in cmi5. Three of these are required for every Assignable Unit (AU) session. Some are required to give the student credit and allow “move on” to the next AU. …
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