Previously, if you wanted to view Advisor Survey question information, you would either have to open or preview the record in VTA Evaluator or pilot the survey in VTA Learner. Neither method was as quick as it will be in VTA 6.3. Using the new List Advisor Survey Questions Report, you will now be able to pull the Questions, Answers, their associated Go To question numbers and Assign To Teams and the Requirements assigned to those Teams!
WHAT tab
On the report window’s WHAT tab (see image below), after selecting the Advisor Survey Template (you can only run the report on a single template at a time), you can choose to display or hide any of the following optional data for each question:
Go To Question #
Assign To Team, including the Team Site Code and Team Name
Team Requirements, including
- Primary Course Site Code, Code and Title
- Refresher Course Site Code, Code and Title
- Requirement Group Name, Course Site Codes, Codes, Titles and the number of courses required
Report Header
The report will display the following in the header:
- Advisor Survey Template Name
- To Be Completed By (Student or Performance Manager)
- Approval Required (displayed if the survey is set to be completed by a Student; hidden if set to be completed by Performance Manager)
- Instructions (only displayed on page 1)
Report Details
In addition to the optional data, the following will be displayed for each Question:
- Question Order
- Question Name
- Allow Comment (“Y” if the question allows a comment)
- Question Text
- Answer Text
Click here to see a sample report in PDF format.
CSV File Data
In addition to all data detailed above, the CSV File Type will also include the following data:
CSV Field Name | Description |
templ_key | Advisor Survey Template record primary key |
tsitecode | Template Site Code |
tsitename | Template Site Name |
tstage | Template Stage value |
quest_key | Question record primary key |
akey | Answer record primary key |
gotoname | Go To Question Name |
r_entity | Requirement Entity |
r_reqcat | Requirement Category |
r_opt | Requirement Optional status |
r_prior | Requirement Priority |
r_grace | Requirement Grace Period |
r_freq | Requirement Primary Frequency |
r_freqmo | Requirement Primary Frequency Due Month |
r_allow | Requirement Primary Allow Training |
r_scr | Requirement Primary Passing Score |
r_grd | Requirement Primary Passing Grade |
r_hrs | Requirement Primary Passing Hours |
r_freq2 | Requirement Refresher Frequency |
r_freqmo2 | Requirement Refresher Frequency Due Month |
r_allow2 | Requirement Refresher Allow Training |
r_scr2 | Requirement Refresher Passing Score |
r_grd2 | Requirement Refresher Passing Grade |
r_hrs2 | Requirement Refresher Passing Hours |
rgr_prior | Requirement Group Priority |
rgr_grace | Requirement Group Grace Period |
rgr_entity | Requirement Group Entity |
rgr_reqcat | Requirement Group Category |