Employee Restrictions have been around for some time in VTA. They have been used to limit an administrator’s ability to edit or enroll to a specific group of students. However, those restrictions were not applied to other areas of the system. Now in VTA Backoffice version 6.3, we have extended the application of the employee restrictions to all other areas of the system.
Employee Grid
Prior to v6.3, an administrator for which an employee restriction had been set could see ALL employees in the grid. However, they could only browse or edit the ones permitted by the employee restriction.
In 6.3, when an administrator with an employee restriction views the Employee grid, that administrator will ONLY see the employees that are permitted by the employee restriction.
Enrolling, Assigning and Registering a Group
Employee restrictions were not applied to the “Enroll Group to a roster”, “Assign Group to a team” or “Register Group as program participants” features.
An administrator can use all the filtering fields as before. However, when Refresh List button is clicked, the employee restriction is applied to the list of Available Employees. Therefore, ONLY employees meeting the established criteria AND permitted by the employee restriction will be shown in the Available Employees list.
Employee restrictions were ONLY applied when selecting Single Employees for reports. When selecting employees by groups like Team, Department, etc, employee restrictions were not applied.
In v6.3, an administrator with an employee restriction will ONLY be permitted to run reports by Single Employee or the group on which the employee restriction is based. For example, if an administrator has an employee restriction that limits that Administrator to a few specific work areas, then the administrator will see only Single Employee and Work Areas in the Report Group list for all reports that allow the selection of employees. If this administrator chooses Work Areas as the report group, then only the Work Areas allowed by the restriction will appear in the list of selectable work areas.
NOTE: Employee restrictions are not applied to reports that do not allow the selection of employees, like certain history and schedule reports where data to include is selected on the basis of course code, session or date range. However, these reports contain employee data. Therefore, to completely prevent an administrator from running reports on restricted employees, you will need to add a security role to the user that prevents them from running reports containing employee data but do not allow the selection of Employees to include.
Assigning Surveys to Groups
Employee restrictions were ONLY applied when selecting Single Employees to assign to a survey.
Much like the application of employee restrictions in reports, an administrator with an employee restriction will ONLY be permitted to assign students to a survey by Single Employee or the group on which the employee restriction is based.