Learner Schedule Calendar Page Gets Facelift
For years customers have been asking for a “real” calendar on the VTA Learner Schedule page. A real calendar would show the classes as events inside the calendar, and a student should be able to click on the event to get more information. If you were one of those wishing for this change, your wish has been granted.
- Classes are displayed in an “Event” box, Course Title, start and end times.
- If classes span multiple days, the box will span those days.
- Clicking an Event will take you to the Class Description page.
- Next and previous buttons allow navigation between months.
- A “Go To” button allows you go to to a specific month.
- The calendar supports more than 30 languages.
- If a class is “Shut”, the border color of the event is red in the Calendar.
- The Advanced Tooltip has been enhanced to show more information about the class. Just hover over an event to display the Tooltip.