Lead with Innovation
ATD TechKnowledge is a three-day, immersive experience for talent development professionals who utilize and embrace learning technologies. Whether you’re just starting your L&D career, curious about what is on the horizon, or super-charging your knowledge bank to make meaningful change, ATD TK is the best way to learn about the latest industry trends and newest innovations disrupting the learning landscape.
For those who think ATD TK is all ideas without immediate practical application, think again! Our mission is to ensure you walk away not only inspired but empowered to apply what you learn immediately back on the job to make an impact. So, bring an open mind and be ready to fill it with the knowledge you need to shape the future of work.
RISC’s Director of Client Services, Duncan Welder, is speaking at #ATDTK!
What’s in It for Me? Stakeholder Buy-In for xAPI: February 8, 1:45 pm
In this session, you’ll explore the key drivers for decision makers from the C-suite to frontline supervisors. You’ll focus on the benefits and results that impact your stakeholders—not the underlying technology—to sell your xAPI project internally. This session will highlight common challenges to new learning technology purchases and guide you around potential roadblocks. Case studies from successful implementations will be used to help paint a picture of xAPI benefits. You’ll leave with a list of free and low-cost resources to get your first pilot project off the ground.
For conference information, click here. See you in New Orleans!