(Houston, TX) – RISC, Inc. (www.risc-inc.com), announces today that its Virtual Training Assistant™ Learning Management System software has received the Gold Excellence in e-Learning Award for Customer Satisfaction. One of the industry’s most prestigious honors, Excellence in e-Learning Awards were named at the OnLine Learning 2001 conference in October.
RISC Virtual Training Assistant (VTA) software helps training departments improve the quality of training by managing daily administrative tasks, such as enrollment, electronic content delivery, testing, and record-keeping. The VTA system is available for purchase and installation on a corporate computer system or can be hosted by RISC through an Application Service Provider (ASP) arrangement. It has the capacity to accommodate any number of users and the inherent flexibility to suit the needs of a wide range of organizations -– from corporate to government.
The benefits of using Virtual Training Assistant software extend throughout an organization. Students are given functionality that empowers them to take charge of their own training. Supervisors have the tools to ensure their crews are on-target with training plans. Best of all, administrators can improve the effectiveness of their training programs because they are relieved of clerical burdens.
“VTA was designed to deliver the power of custom software at the price of off-the-shelf programs.” says RISC Sales Director Art Werkenthin. “In fact, Virtual Training Assistant software recently was listed as ‘Best of Breed’ in a U.S. News and World Report special feature on e-Learning [October 15, 2001].”
“The success of the VTA system is due in large part to the input of those who have used our software over the years,” adds RISC Product Director Vince Obrzut. “We constantly solicit their ideas and ask how well the system meets their needs. In return, we deliver software solutions that are always relevant, always practical, and always on the cutting edge.”
About the award
The Excellence in e-Learning Awards were presented by brandon-hall.com and Online Learning magazine. Now in its fifth year, the awards program (formerly the “Brandon Hall of Fame Awards”) showcases exceptional work in the e-Learning industry by providing feedback and benchmarking to entrants in an overall effort to advance the e-Learning industry. This year, 103 entries were evaluated by over 90 judges with expertise in instructional design and online or multimedia training. Gold Award, Silver Award and Worthy of Note Award winners were named in categories which included Learning Management Systems, as well as Authoring Tools, IT Course Content Providers, and Live E-Learning Tools.
“We’re excited about the depth of the award winners this year,” says Brandon Hall, Ph.D., lead researcher for brandon-hall.com and chairman of the Excellence in e-Learning Awards Program. “These companies are making huge strides in advancing e-Learning…”
About RISC, Inc.
RISC, Inc., specializes in the development of Learning Management software. The company’s Virtual Training Assistant system is the culmination of more than a decade of continuous enhancement driven by customer and industry-solicited input. RISC software users represent leaders in a broad range of industry and government entities – from Alcoa, BP, Nokia Mobile Phones Americas, Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace, SAIC, and Raytheon to NASA and the USDA Forest Service.
About brandon-hall.com
The awards program is chaired by a leading authority on e-Learning, Brandon Hall, Ph.D. Dr. Hall is the CEO of brandon-hall.com and author of the groundbreaking Web-Based Training Cookbook. Since 1992, brandon-hall.com has been providing independent expert advice in the form of published reports and phone consultations on the tools of e-Learning. Dr. Hall participates regularly as featured speaker in conferences such as ASTD and Online Learning.
About VNU Business Media and VNU, N.V.
OnLine Learning 2001 is produced by VNU Business Media and VNU Expositions. It is presented by OnLine Learning magazine, Trainingmagazine, Presentations magazine, Creative Training Techniques newsletter, and OnLine Learning News and OnLine Learning Reviewse-newsletters.
VNU Business Media is a major provider of business publishing, trade shows, conferences and information-based Internet sites. It includes VNU Business Publications USA, publisher of many influential business magazines, including Billboard, Adweek, Sales & Marketing Management and approximately 60 other successful titles.
VNU Business Media is a subsidiary of VNU, a leading media and information company. Its core activities are marketing and media information, business information, and directories. VNU is active in more than 100 countries around the world. The company employs more than 35,000 people and has annual revenues of approximately $4 billion.